Category: Awards
$7.5M to advance nuclear energy awarded to U-M
The Department of Energy will support research into faster reactor licensing, just energy transitions, and more.
Majdi Radaideh wins DOE Distinguished Early Career Award
RAD’s research seeks to develop new algorithms for optimizing and controlling advanced nuclear reactors.
NERS faculty receive $6.5M in DOE funding awards
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is awarding $56 million in funding for 68 nuclear energy projects The U-M Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) has received $6.5 million in funding to lead five projects to advance nuclear technology. Grand Challenge to Accelerated Deployment of Advanced Reactors – A Predictive Pathway for Rapid…
NERS Students Geneve Magnan, Julia Marshall, Roxanne Walker, and Isabella Wood win ANS Scholarships
American Nuclear Society scholarship recipients are chosen for their academic, service, and leadership excellence.
Annalisa Manera named ANS Fellow
Manera was recognized for her research demonstrating exceptional and sustained contributions to the thermal hydraulics field.
NERS students win a Best Presentation Award at ANS Student Conference
Their paper is titled “pyMAISE: A Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Benchmarking Software for Nuclear Reactor Applications”.
U-M students given DOE Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards
The award program strives to facilitate innovation and the creation of new ideas in nuclear-technology-relevant disciplines.
Brendan Kochunas wins DOE Distinguished Early Career Award
Kochunas’ research seeks to advance our understanding of the digital twins’ concept for nuclear engineering applications.
Three NERS grad students awarded INL fellowships
Marisol Garrouste, So-Bin Cho, and River Bennett were selected for their remarkable talent in research areas aligned with the goals of INL in collaboration with DOE.
Tingshiuan Wu given Best Student Poster Presentation Award at MARC XII Conference
The NERS PhD student gave a poster presentation on “Fast neutron directionality from position-sensitive recoil and capture reconstruction using Bayesian updating.”
$5.1M to advance nuclear energy awarded to U-M
The Department of Energy will support research into better heat exchangers as well as improved predictions for neutron physics and radiation damage.
NERS faculty receive $5.1M in DOE funding awards
The awards will support our research in compact heat exchangers, SPn transport in advanced reactors, and irradiation creep mechanisms.
MTV hosts University Program Review
The annual review provides a venue for students and collaborating scientists to showcase their research and allow programmatic oversight and technical interchange between student researchers, National Laboratories, and government research managers.
PhD Student Lonnie Garrett given NNIS fellowship
The fellowship supports exceptional students in the field of international safeguards.
Imre Pázsit named “Doctor Honoris Causa” of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
The title was conferred in appreciation of Pázsit’s internationally reputed activities.