looking up at a tall tower in front of whispy clouds

OECD NEA Global Forum Workshop

September 29 – October 3, 2025
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The inaugural OECD NEA Global Forum Workshop, sponsored by the OECD NEA Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy, will be hosted by the University of Michigan’s Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences (NERS) department in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Please save the date for this important event, which will take place from Monday, September 29 to Friday, October 3, 2025, in Ann Arbor, MI.

We hope you can join us for this gathering of experts, where we will identify good practices, facilitate shared activities, and coordinate joint programs to advance nuclear science and technology, education, and policy. The workshop will also offer professional development opportunities, introduce participants to mentors, and create networking groups for young rising stars in our field.


Breakthrough Energy
Chihiro Kikuchi Memorial Fund
DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
Fastest Path to Zero Initiative
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project
Nuclear Energy Institute
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
Westinghouse Nuclear