2937 Cooley
Additional Titles
- University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
- Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, College of Engineering
- Director, Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification
- Director, Consortium for Verification Technology
Professor Sara Pozzi is a University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor and professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences and physics (by courtesy) at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on radiation detection, including nuclear fission and radiation imaging for the detection, identification, and characterization of nuclear materials.
In her fission research, she and her students study the neutron and gamma-ray emissions from induced and spontaneous fission, including their energy and angular correlations. In her imaging work, she leads the development of a neutron and gamma ray radiation imager to locate and characterize plutonium, including the use of mixed reality. She led many important experimental efforts for measuring uranium and plutonium at U.S. national laboratories and internationally.
Professor Pozzi is the founding Director of the Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) 2014-2019 and the Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification (MTV) 2019-2025, both of which involve multiple universities and national laboratories working together to develop technologies needed for nuclear treaty verification.
In 2018, Professor Pozzi was named the inaugural Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for the UM College of Engineering. In this capacity, she leads initiatives to ensure that the students, faculty, and staff are increasingly diverse, everyone is treated equitably, and everyone is included.
Her publication record includes over 175 journal papers and over 350 international conference proceedings. She has given over 120 invited lectures, both nationally and internationally, and has graduated over 30 Ph. D. students who have built successful careers at the national laboratories, academia, industry, and government.
Professor Pozzi has received many awards, including the 2006 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Early Career Award, 2006 Department of Energy, Office of Science, Outstanding Mentor Award, 2012 INMM Edway R. Johnson Meritorious Service Award, 2017 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, 2018 Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award, and 2021 American Nuclear Society Gail De Planque Award. She is an International Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, and the IEEE.
Sara Pozzi elected IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society President
$3.6M to advance nuclear energy awarded to NERS
Sara Pozzi elected International Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
Sara Pozzi appointed University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
Sara Pozzi awarded ANS E. Gail de Planque Medal
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
PhD Nuclear Engineering ’01
BS/MS (Laurea) Nuclear Engineering ’97
Research Interests
Development of new methods for nuclear materials identification and characterization for nuclear nonproliferation and homeland security applications; Monte Carlo code development; passive and active interrogation; inverse problems; neutron spectrum unfolding; imaging.
Radiation Measurement & Imaging
Honors and Awards
- 2021 American Nuclear Society Gail De Planque Award
- 2020 Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2019 Cisler Lecture, Lawrence Technological University
- 2018 Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award
- 2018 Fellow, Institute of Nuclear Materials Management
- 2017 Fellow, American Nuclear Society
- 2016 IEEE-NPSS Distinguished Lecturer
- 2016 Fall Ohanian Lecture, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida
- 2016 Elsevier, Selected for Virtual Special Issue on Women in Physics
- 2014 Consortium for Verification Technology
- 2012 Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Edway R. Johnson Meritorious Service Award.
- 2012 UM Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Department, Outstanding Achievement Award
- 2009 Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Central Region Chapter, Special Service Award.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Early Career Award for Engineering Accomplishment, September 2006.
- 2006 Scientific and Technical Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nuclear Science and Technology Division, December 2006.
- 2006 Community Outreach Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nuclear Science and Technology Division, December 2006.
- Department of Energy, Office of Science, Outstanding Mentor Award, August 2006.
- 2005 Scientific and Technical Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nuclear Science and Technology Division, April 2006.
- Finalist for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Early Career Award for Engineering Accomplishment, September 2005.
- Nominated for the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award, October 2004.
- Research fellowship from the Polytechnic of Milan within the “Young Researchers Project” for the activity titled “Safeguarding fissile material by nuclear measurements and Monte Carlo analysis,” 2001.
- Italian Government three-year fellowship for doctoral candidates, 1999.