Media Contacts
We have experts in nuclear energy & politics, reactor safety, health and environmental effects of radiation, nuclear reactors, and more.
Michigan Experts
NERS research profiles are available in the Michigan Experts directory.
Faculty Contacts
Nuclear Energy and Politics
Todd Allen, Chair and Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Allen is available to discuss nuclear energy in general, including political aspects.
[email protected]
(734) 647-5845
Reactor Safety
Won Sik Yang, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Yang is available to discuss nuclear reactor safety and nuclear reactors in general. His research interests include nuclear reactor physics, computational methods for reactor analysis, reactor core design, and more.
[email protected]
(734) 647-8117
John Lee, Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Lee is available to discuss nuclear reactor safety and nuclear reactors in general. He is co-author of Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems. Lee’s research interests include reactor safety analysis, reactor core physics, and design analysis, fuel cycle analysis, and power plant simulation and control.
[email protected]
(734) 764-9379
Health and Environmental Effects of Radiation
Kimberlee Kearfott, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Kearfott is available to discuss the health and environmental impacts of radiation. Her research interests include radiation detection in water and soil samples, environmental monitoring, internal radiation dose assessment, and radiation safety. Kearfott is also a professor of biomedical engineering and an adjunct professor of radiology.
[email protected]
(734) 763-9117
Nuclear Reactors
Thomas Downar, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Downar is available to discuss nuclear reactors. His research interests include the development of computational methods for the solution of problems in reactor physics analysis, reactor thermal hydraulics, coupled field neutronics/thermal-hydraulics analysis, and their application to the design and analysis of all reactor technologies.
[email protected]
(734) 615-9002
Xiaodong Sun, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Martin is available to discuss nuclear reactors. His research interests include thermal-hydraulics and reactor safety, two-phase flow experimentation and modeling, interfacial structure characterization and more.
[email protected]
Gary Was, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences and Material Science and Engineering, Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth Systems Engineering
Was is available to discuss the basics of reactor systems and the performance of reactor materials. His research interests include studying how materials degrade in reactors, the design of advanced reactor systems and nuclear fuels.
[email protected]
(734) 763-4675
William Martin, Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Martin is available to discuss nuclear reactors. His research interests include computer simulations for analyzing how nuclear reactions unfold in reactors.
[email protected]
(734) 764-5534
Media Contacts
If you are a reporter or editor and want to get in touch with someone in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences to discuss their research or ask for their thoughts on current events, Sara Norman, Nicole Casal Moore, or Kate McAlpine can help find the right person and put you in contact.
Sara Norman
[email protected]
(734) 864-6375
Nicole Casal Moore
[email protected]
(734) 647-7087
Kate McAlpine
[email protected]
(734) 763-4386