Tag: Radiation Measurement and Imaging
Imaging of gamma rays and fast neutrons using a dual-particle imaging system
NERS Ph.D. student Ricardo Lopez’s research using the dual-particle imaging system developed at U-M to help in localizing the source of emission of majority of radioactive materials.
Use of ultrashort-pulsed lasers to excite fluorescence of chlorophyll in plants as an optical biosensor for nuclear activity
Recent NERS Ph.D. graduate Lauren Finney’s research on remote detection of a signature for uranium exposure in algae published in Scientific Reports.
U-M students given DOE Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards
The award program strives to facilitate innovation and the creation of new ideas in nuclear-technology-relevant disciplines.
Lauren Finney supported Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory experiments
Lauren participated in research testing the effects of oxygen on uranium speciation during a summer internship.
Sara Pozzi appointed University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
Pozzi was one of six university faculty members to be recognized for outstanding contributions to excellence through their commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Tingshiuan Wu given Best Student Poster Presentation Award at MARC XII Conference
The NERS PhD student gave a poster presentation on “Fast neutron directionality from position-sensitive recoil and capture reconstruction using Bayesian updating.”
$5.1M to advance nuclear energy awarded to U-M
The Department of Energy will support research into better heat exchangers as well as improved predictions for neutron physics and radiation damage.
MTV hosts University Program Review
The annual review provides a venue for students and collaborating scientists to showcase their research and allow programmatic oversight and technical interchange between student researchers, National Laboratories, and government research managers.
PhD Student Lonnie Garrett given NNIS fellowship
The fellowship supports exceptional students in the field of international safeguards.
Undergraduate Andrew Panter awarded INL UNLP Scholarship
UNLP plays a key role in helping the Department of Energy accomplish its mission of leading the nation’s investment in the development and exploration of advanced nuclear science and technology.
Abbas Jinia given IEEE-NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award
The NERS PhD student researches active interrogation applications to detect concealed nuclear material.
Ionizing radiation induces a negative nonlinear absorption coefficient in quartz glass
NERS PhD Student Bryan Morgan’s research on non-linear absorption in quartz glass published in Optical Materials Express.
Igor Jovanovic named Fellow of the American Nuclear Society
Professor Jovanovic was recognized for contributions made to the advancement of nuclear science and technology through notable original research or invention in the nuclear field.
Sara Pozzi awarded ANS E. Gail de Planque Medal
The award recognizes exemplary accomplishments by a woman in the fields of nuclear science and engineering.
Augmented reality for testing nuclear components
A new machine learning platform detects and quantifies radiation-induced defects instantaneously and could be extended to interpret other microscopy data.
Sara Pozzi awarded INMM Vincent J. DeVito Distinguished Service Award
The award is given for noteworthy contributions to the nuclear materials management profession.