Requirements & Policies
Students in our graduate program benefit from a structured advising and mentorship program that can adapt to how their interests mesh with those of the various faculty members in the department. For students carrying out graduate research, the research supervisor is also their academic advisor. Before registering for a future term, students must discuss courses with their advisor.
Requirements Common to all NERS Graduate Degree Programs (PDF)
Additional requirements based on your research area:
Requirements—Fission Systems and Radiation Transport
Graduate student guide (PDF): Includes sample schedules, relevant cognates, and relevant mathematics classes. Students should work with their graduate advisor to design a program of study appropriate to their background and goals.
PhD Candidacy Exam
- Prior to taking the written candidacy exam, students should declare themselves to be in one of two “tracks”: “fission-transport” (“Fission-TR”) or “fission-thermal-hydraulics” (“Fission-TH”).
Fission Transport (FT): Written candidacy exam includes questions based on more advanced material from NERS 543, 551, and 561
Fission Thermal Hydraulics (TH): Written candidacy exam includes questions based on material from NERS 444 and 547
The remaining questions will be the same for all students and will test basic fission-option material from the following five NERS courses: 441, 444, 462, 551, and 561.
Mathematics Courses
Master’s or PhD students are expected to continue studying mathematics at the graduate level. Many 500 and 600 level NERS courses require significant mathematical knowledge, including advanced calculus, boundary value problems, Laplace and Fourier transforms, complex variables, numerical methods, and computer programming. The following courses may be relevant.
- MATH 417, 419, 454, 471, 555, 571-572
- AOSS 555 (Spectral Methods)
- EECS 451 (Digital Signal Processing and Analysis)
- EECS 501 (Probability and Random Processes)
- EECS 502 (Stochastic Processes)
- IOE 511 (Continuous Optimization Methods)
- IOE 515 (Stochastic Processes)
Additional Cognate Courses
A number of 400 and 500 level courses offered by other departments are relevant to fission systems and radiation transport. These courses include AEROSP 523 and 623 (Computational Fluid Dynamics I and II), AOSS 532 (Radiative Transfer), and BIOMEDE 464 (Inverse Problems). Students are encouraged to review current course listings in the Michigan Engineering and Graduate School bulletins and consult with NERS faculty regarding upcoming course offerings.
Relevant NERS courses (credits)
- 421 Nuclear Engineering Materials (3)
- 425 Applications of Radiation (4)
- 441 Nuclear Reactor Theory l (4)
- 442 Nuclear Power Reactors (4)
- 444 Thermal-hydraulics for Nuclear Systems (3)
- 462 Reactor Safety Analysis (3)
- 515 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory (4)
- 521 Radiation Materials Science I (3)
- 524 Nuclear Fuels (3)
- 531 Nuclear Waste Management (3)
- 543 Nuclear Reactor Theory II (3)
- 544 Monte Carlo Methods (2)
- 546 Thermal Fluids for Nuclear Reactor Safety Analysis (3)
- 547 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Appl (3)
- 551 Nuclear Reactor Kinetics (3)
- 554 Radiation Shielding Design (4)
- 561 Nuclear Core Design and Analysis I (3)
- 644 Transport Theory (3)
Requirements—Materials & Radiation Effects
Graduate student guide (PDF): Includes sample schedules, relevant cognates, and relevant mathematics classes. Students should work with their graduate advisor to design a program of study appropriate to their background and goals.
PhD Candidacy Exam
In the Materials option, the candidacy examination covers topics in NERS: 521, 522, 524, 622; Physics 463; MATSCIE: 532, 535, 560 and graduate level mathematics. Additional material may be included, depending on the students’ fields of research.
Two-Year Dual Masters with Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate students who seek a career primarily in materials research and development will need an adequate background in both materials science and nuclear engineering and radiological sciences. It is assumed that most students will subsequently seek a PhD degree. For these students, a dual master’s degree in NERS and MATSCIE is recommended.
Double Degree Rules:
(a) The rules of the Graduate School for dual degrees permit a reduction of the credit hours by one-sixth of the sum of the credit hours required by the two master’s programs. Hence a minimum of 50 credit hours is required for the present dual degree program.
(b) NERS requirements: Refer to NERS graduation requirements.
(c) MATSCIE requirements: At least 20 course credit hours in MATSCIE (500 level courses and above – no research) and 10 credit hours (home department).
(a) In NERS, same as for any master’s candidates.
MATSCIE 350 (4) or equivalent
MATSCIE 330 (3) or equivalent
MATSCIE 470 (3) or equivalent
Requirements—Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion
Graduate student guide (DOCX): Includes sample schedules, relevant cognates, and relevant mathematics classes. Students should work with their graduate advisor to design a program of study appropriate to their background and goals.
PhD Candidacy
Required courses:
- NERS 471 Introduction to Plasmas
- NERS 515 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory
- NERS 571 Intermediate Plasma Physics I
- NERS 572 Intermediate Plasma Physics II
- NERS 575 Plasma Generation and Diagnostics Laboratory
The written candidacy exam in the plasmas and fusion area covers plasma courses through the 500 level.
Requirements—Radiation Measurements and Imaging
Graduate student guide (PDF): Includes sample schedules, relevant cognates, and relevant mathematics classes. Students should work with their graduate advisor to design a program of study appropriate to their background and goals.
Radiation Measurements and Imaging Courses
In addition to the department’s general requirements, the Measurements option recommends the following specific courses:
- NERS 515 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory
- NERS 518 Advanced Radiation Measurements and Imaging
- NERS 532 Nuclear Safeguards
- NERS 535 Detection Techniques for Nuclear Nonproliferation
- NERS 586 Applied Radiation Measurements Laboratory
- NERS 425 Application of Radiation
- EECS 423 Solid-State Device Laboratory
- EECS 451 Digital Signal Processing & Analysis
- EECS 458 BioMed Instrumentation & Design
- EECS 501 or equivalent, Probability and Random Processes
- EECS 564 Estimation, Filtering, and Detection
Radiological Health Engineering Courses (Radiation Protection/Medical Physics)
- NERS 484 Radiological Health Engineering Fundamentals
- NERS 581 Radiation Therapy Physics
- NERS 582 Medical Radiological Health Engineering
- NERS 583 Radiological Dose Assessment and Response
- NERS 584 Radiation Biology
- NERS 585 Physics of Medical Imaging
- NERS 586 Applied Radiation Measurements Laboratory
- NERS 590 Radiation Ecology
- NERS 531 Nuclear Waste Management
- NERS 554 Radiation Shielding
- NERS 555 Radiological Physics and Dosimetry
- EECS 516 Medical Imaging Systems
- EHS 556 Occupational Ergonomics
- EHS 570 Water Quality Management
- EHS 572 Environmental Impact Assessment
- EHS 597 Environmental Health & Policy
PhD Candidacy Exam
In the Radiation Measurements and Imaging option the written examination covers topics in:
- Basic atomic and nuclear physics
- Interaction of radiation with matter
- Basic electrical circuits
- Radiation detection and measurement
- Probability, counting statistics, and uncertainty analysis
- Digital methods and general computer architectures
Although the material on the written examination is primarily drawn from topics covered in courses such as NERS 425, 515, 518, 535, 585, and 586, a fundamental understanding of radiation physics, mathematics, quantum mechanics, and electrical engineering has been found to be essential in successfully tackling this exam. Students intending to perform research in the radiological health engineering or medical physics areas may request a written exam focused on this topic.