
Edward Larsen

Professor Emeritus


2929 Cooley


  • 1986-present: Professor, University of Michigan, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
  • 1977-1986: Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 1976-1977: Associate Professor, University of Delaware, Mathematics
  • 1971-1976: Assistant Professor, New York University, Mathematics


Rensselaer Polytechnic
PhD Mathematics ’71
BS Mathematics ’66

Research Interests

Analytic and numerical methods for nuclear reactor theory, neutron transport, nonlinear radiative transfer, and electron transport. Derivation of exact, asymptotic, and numerical solutions and analysis of their mathematical and physical properties. Development of approximation theories for special  types  of  transport  phenomena.  Derivation  and  analysis  of  numerical  approximation schemes and iteration methods for deterministic problems. Development of variance reduction and hybrid methods for Monte Carlo problems.

Research areas:

Professional Service

  • Member, CCS Division Review Panel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2001-06.
  • Member, Accelerated Scientific Computing Review Panel, Sandia National Lab, 2000-06.
  • Member, Radiation Effects Sciences Review Panel, Sandia National Laboratory, 2001-06.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee for biannual American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computation Division Conferences, 1983-present.
  • Member, Executive Committee of the Mathematics and Computation Division (American Nuclear Society), 1997-2002.
  • Member, Editorial Board of SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 1999-2004.
  • Consultant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1987-2012.
  • Consultant, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1987-2004.


  • Fellow, American Nuclear Society, 1988
  • College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Michigan, 1989.
  • College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award, University of Michigan, 1993.
  • E.O. Lawrence Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 1994.
  • Arthur Holly Compton Award, American Nuclear Society, 1996.
  • Special  Recognition Award,  Mathematics and  Computation Division,  American Nuclear Society, 1999.
  • Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award, American Nuclear Society (2009)