Author: Sara Norman
James Duderstadt’s impact on NERS
Duderstadt helped shape the department into a powerhouse of computational methods development for neutron transport and reactor physics research.
NERS hosts Harper Academy 4 Future Nuclear Engineers
The four-week residential program prepared rising twelfth graders for nuclear engineering careers through comprehensive academic and practical experiences.
Ricardo Lopez wins award for augmented reality visualization for nuclear inspections paper
The NERS graduate student was given the Nonproliferation and Arms Control Division award at the 2024 Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Conference.
Ikhwan Khaleb presents paper at ICONE in Prague
The recent NERS Master’s graduate presented his paper, “CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer in Molten Salt Fuel Chambers of The Wielenga Innovation Static Salt Reactor.”
Teaching wicked problems in nuclear technology, policy, and society
Nuclear Technology, Policy, and Society (NERS 490) gives students the skills needed to address some of the field’s most challenging issues.
Integrating creativity and science at NERS
Through several initiatives, NERS is actively harmonizing artistic expression into our scientific environment.
Aditi Verma explores nuclear safety epistemologies in international business journal
Professor Verma’s paper examines the differing conceptualizations of nuclear safety by regulatory institutions in the U.S. and France.
Tom Downar retires after a distinguished career in computational nuclear reactor physics
Professor Downar’s career was distinguished by his dedication to teaching and contributions to computational nuclear reactor physics.
NERS astrophysics center hosts high-energy-density physics summer school
Participants learned about the foundational principles and advanced concepts of high-energy-density physics from U-M faculty.
U-M students shine at radiation protection conference
The 16th Annual International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association was held earlier this month in Florida.
In Memoriam: Rodney Ewing
The NERS Professor Emeritus’s legacy is one of profound scientific advancement and dedication to the betterment of nuclear security and environmental sustainability.
Kevin Field honored by American Nuclear Society
Professor Field was given the Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award.
NERS students receive NEUP fellowships and scholarship
Patrick Myers, Andrew Panter, and David Wen have received support through the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program.
New introductory engineering course aims to revolutionize nuclear energy through community engagement
Historically, energy systems have been built with very little input from the communities they serve. As more people experience the real impacts of climate change, the need for strategic collaboration between energy system designers and local communities is more urgent than ever.
Matthew Lynch and Justin Hamil receive NSUF funding for materials research
The NERS graduate students will research a novel high-throughput method for quantifying radiation-induced material swelling using microscale dilation techniques.
Fastest Path workshop explored the future of advanced nuclear energy in Japan and the U.S.
Workshop discussions centered on energy policies, deployment scenarios, economic impacts, and gender balance in the nuclear sector.