All application information must be complete. Applicants are automatically considered for financial assistance. Financial assistance may take the form of a Graduate Student Research Assistantship (GSRA), a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) appointment, or a fellowship.
FAQ and tips for funding opportunities:
- Funding Sources & Fellowships – Graduate Education
- Funding | Rackham Graduate School
- Associate Dean for Graduate Education
- Funding for international doctoral students | Rackham Graduate School
- Once your last term of attendance grades are posted on your transcript, order a sufficient number of official transcripts for each fellowship application.
Fellowship applications extend November through the end of January with a few deadlines in early spring. We ask that you make fellowship applications a priority. Fellowship application deadlines start in early November with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Hertz fellowships having early deadlines.The U.S government fellowships are the most pertinent to domestic nuclear- and engineering-related research for US citizens only.
Additionally, NERS has fellowships funded by government agencies. Students are nominated by a Graduate Fellowship Committee specifically formed for internal nominations such as the National Academy for Nuclear Training (NANT) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission – pdf (NRC).
Note: If the student receives a salary or income of some nature, that funding must be disclosed. Additionally, combining awards is not allowed; although, deferring or delaying awards are possible depending upon the sponsor. If NERS funding was offered during the application process, NERS reserves the right to revisit and determine the student’s funding based on a fair estimate of salary and institutional costs with NERS.
Many fellowships state they are for PhD-bound students only. If you are undecided about doctoral studies, approach the application as a doctoral student. It has been our experience that many students continue their studies once they are familiar with graduate school. Apply for as many fellowships pertinent to your area(s) of interest. If awarded, you may decline those that are not pertinent to your studies. Additionally, some fellowships ask for a program of study. You may contact our professors and/or revisit our areas of research and instructional programs pages where you will find sample coursework schedules specific to areas of study.
The department also offers a visit program for outstanding domestic students and international students living in the United States. However, prior to extending an invitation, your full application will need to be reviewed.
The Rackham Graduate School administers the admissions process for our graduate programs.