Admissions FAQs
Please find our frequently asked questions and answers below. Please email Garnette at [email protected] if your question was not answered.
How do I visit?
Invitations to visit NERS as our guest are extended to highly qualified domestic and international pre-candidate prospects living in the U.S. We must have your complete application materials to extend an invitation.
Is the GRE required?
GRE scores are no longer included in the admissions process for Rackham’s doctoral programs as of the 2022–2023 admissions cycle. GRE scores are optional for MS applicants.
Are there exceptions for the TOEFL?
If you received a degree from an English-speaking institution, you do not need to submit a TOEFL score. Find more information about TOEFL score here.
Can my test scores and recommendation letters arrive after the deadline?
Yes. We will review your application once all the required documents have been submitted.
What happens to my application if I don’t receive the minimum TOEFL score?
We will not reject your application. We review the entire application and Test scores are only part of that.
What financial assistance is available?
Full financial support is provided to all PhD students for the duration of their studies. Funding for master’s students is not guaranteed.
What are my chances of admission?
The application process is highly competitive and admission offers are made only to the very top applicants.
What do you look for when you evaluate applications?
We take a holistic approach to evaluating applications and every piece of application material is important. As a result, we wait until your application is complete before evaluating it.
Can I contact faculty directly?
Yes. You can learn more about research options and faculty leaders here.
Is there a checklist for completing the application process?
Please review the checklist for completing your application here.
The Rackham Graduate School administers the admissions process for our graduate programs.