
Consistently ranked first among the nuclear engineering programs in the country, Michigan Engineering’s Department of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Science engages with hundreds of students who are dedicated to exploring innovative ways to support our mission of improving society through the advancement of nuclear, radiological, and plasma sciences and technologies.

Our commitment to adapting and evolving our educational and research programs aligns with the shifting landscape of our field. These endeavors demand substantial resources as we endeavor to retain world-class faculty, pioneer cutting-edge research, and nurture the future leaders of our field. Your support as a donor can play a pivotal role in this mission, ensuring that our department continues to set the standard as a 21st-century leader and inspiration.

The unwavering generosity of our alumni and friends has unlocked remarkable opportunities for our students and faculty, and it will continue to be a cornerstone of our educational and research mission. Your contribution today will actively shape the world of tomorrow and help us to uphold the exemplary standards of excellence that define NERS.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and wholeheartedly appreciate your invaluable support!

brick building exterior with trees and fountain

All NERS Funds

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and wholeheartedly appreciate your invaluable support!

four people working in a lab

Nuclear Fund

Gifts to the Nuclear Engineering Special Fund enable Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences to support activities that enrich the department.

Bill Martin Fund

Support graduate students in NERS in honor of the outstanding teacher and scholar Prof. William Martin and his many contributions to the field of nuclear science and engineering.

John Lee in his office in the 80s

John Lee Fund

Support graduate students in NERS in honor of the outstanding teacher and scholar Prof. John C. Lee and his many contributions to the field of nuclear science and engineering.

old photo from the 1980s with men working in a lab

Gary Was Fund

Honor Prof. Was and his many contributions to the combined fields of nuclear science and engineering and material science. The fund will support NERS graduate students with a focus on nuclear materials.

Ed Larsen Fund

Encourage student participation in mathematical and computational science programs for nuclear science applications that combine nuclear engineering and radiological sciences with research in other scientific disciplines.

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