Vision & Mission
To improve society through the advancement of nuclear, radiological, and plasma sciences and technologies.
To be the global academic leader in the innovation and evolution of nuclear engineering, uses of radiation, and plasma science.
Clean, Affordable, and Reliable Nuclear-inclusive Energy Systems
We will lead in the innovation of nuclear technology to support the deployment of a next generation of nuclear-inclusive energy systems.
Access to clean, affordable, and reliable energy improves human lives. Nuclear energy has emerging national and international market opportunities in addition to gigawatt scale electricity. Twenty-first-century nuclear energy will include zero-carbon direct forms such as heat and energy carriers like electricity and hydrogen. Partnerships with industrial users to provide electricity, heat, plasmas, and advanced materials will improve economic competitiveness.
Nuclear Security and Homeland Defense
We will lead to ensure the safe and secure deployment of nuclear, radiological, and plasma technologies.
The deployment of nuclear technology comes with the responsibility to control and account for radiological materials. This is true in many applications including homeland security, medical imaging, and nuclear fuel cycle monitoring to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Advances are needed in methodologies for the safeguards of nuclear and radiological materials, tools for science-based stockpile stewardship, and the understanding of materials under extreme conditions.
Environment and Health
We will lead in establishing approaches to using nuclear, radiological, and plasma technologies to better the human condition.
Advances in nuclear and radiological science can improve the efficacy of medical diagnosis and treatment, aid in the environmental cleanup of chemical and biological contaminants, and decrease the environmental effects associated with deploying nuclear technology, importantly in the storage and disposal of used nuclear fuel.
Scientific Discovery
We will lead in applying nuclear, radiological, and plasma processes to advance discovery across the solid, liquid, vapor, and plasma phases.
Technological revolution springs from new fundamental discoveries. Discovery comes through using world-class experimental facilities, including particle beams and radiation sources, to interrogate systems under extreme conditions, improving our ability to detect radiation signals and apply advanced computing to understand physical interactions.
View our Strategic Actions document. (Internal only.)