NERS students awarded IUP fellowships and scholarship
The program seeks to enhance the future of the U.S. nuclear workforce.
The program seeks to enhance the future of the U.S. nuclear workforce.
Students in the U-M Department of Nuclear Energy and Radiological Sciences (NERS) have been awarded four fellowships and one scholarship through the Integrated University Program (IUP). Kaitlyn Barr, Colton Graham, Lincoln Johnston, and Dean Price were awarded fellowships and Andrew Panter was awarded a scholarship.
The IUP is part of the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) and awards grants that must be used for non-mission and mission-related activities to enhance the future nuclear workforce.
Students in the U-M Department of Nuclear Energy and Radiological Sciences (NERS) have been awarded four fellowships and one scholarship through the Integrated University Program (IUP). Kaitlyn Barr, Colton Graham, Lincoln Johnston, and Dean Price were awarded fellowships and Andrew Panter was awarded a scholarship.
The IUP is part of the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) and awards grants that must be used for non-mission and mission-related activities to enhance the future nuclear workforce.
Kaitlyn Barr
NERS Senior
Awarded IUP Fellowship
“I feel so honored to be selected for this fellowship,” Kaitlyn said. “I am excited to do my part to support licensing efforts for advanced reactors and promote nuclear power!”
Kaitlyn will use the fellowship to help fund her graduate studies and research. She will finish her undergraduate studies this spring and return to start her Master’s next fall. Kaitlyn currently works in Prof. Thomas Downar’s research group, doing neutronics modeling and analysis of advanced nuclear reactor cores. Earlier this year, Kaitlyn was awarded the first-ever X-energy summer internship. Her work with X-energy this summer will be an extension of her research at U-M. She will use state-of-the-art tools to perform analysis work on their Xe-100 small modular reactor.
Colton Graham
NERS Senior/First Year Graduate Student
Awarded IUP Fellowship
“Thanks a million to everybody who helped me get here!” Colton said.
Colton will use the IUP fellowship to support his graduate studies starting in the fall of 2021. He is a member of Professor Igor Jovanovic’s Applied Nuclear Science Group, working on neutron and anti-neutrino detection projects.
Lincoln Johnston
NERS Senior
Awarded IUP Fellowship
“I can’t wait to get started!” said Lincoln. “This fellowship will greatly improve my graduate school experience.”
Lincoln will use the fellowship to pay for living expenses and tuition so he can focus on his studies and research during his graduate education. He will be working with Professor Kiedrowski on Monte Carlo radiation transport research.
Andrew Panter
NERS Sophomore
Awarded IUP Scholarship
“I feel so honored to be selected for this award. I am excited to keep pursuing this vital engineering field.”
Andrew will use this scholarship to help pay for tuition so he can devote more time to research and professional development. He is currently conducting research under Professor Pozzi on Special Nuclear Material detection using active interrogation methods.
Dean Price
NERS Ph.D. Student
Awarded IUP Fellowship
“I am very appreciative to the NEUP for providing this award and am excited for the interesting projects I will get to work on!”
Dean will use this fellowship to support his graduate research. He is currently working with Prof. Kochunas on control drum worth modeling for a novel core design.