American Nuclear Society awards scholarships to NERS students
Five graduate students and one undergrad received awards for the 2020–2021 school year.
Five graduate students and one undergrad received awards for the 2020–2021 school year.
The American Nuclear Society awarded 59 scholarships totaling $157,000 to students pursuing degrees in nuclear science and technology for the 2020–2021 school year. Congratulations to the six NERS students who received scholarships.
The Ely M. Gelbard Graduate Scholarship was established by the American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computation Division in June 2015. The scholarship is for students pursuing graduate studies with a focus on the development of mathematical and/or computational methods for nuclear applications. Applicants must be a full–time graduate student engaged in MS or PhD research and enrolled in an accredited U.S. university. Students of all nationalities are eligible.
The Saul Levine Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 by the ANS Nuclear Installations Safety Division in recognition of the pioneering contributions to the enhancement of nuclear safety made by Saul Levine. It is intended to support graduate education of meritorious nuclear engineering students.
Awarded to juniors and senior students (completed two or more years) in a course of study leading to a degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, or a nuclear-related field.
Awarded to full-time graduate students in a program leading to an advanced degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, or a nuclear-related field.
Awarded to full-time graduate students in a program leading to an advanced degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, or a nuclear-related field.
This scholarship was named for Dr. Rudolf (Rudi) Johannes Jacobus Stamm’ler, a Master of Science in Technical Physics with a major in Reactor Physics. Applicants must be at least an entering sophomore enrolled in a program leading to a degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering or a nuclear related field.